Cottagecore Home Style Basics

by John Hassler 09/17/2023

Cottagecore style has grown in popularity recently and is all over social media. The design style includes everything from home decor to fashion. Similar to shabby chic and farmhouse styles, cottagecore celebrates the comfort and charm of country life no matter where you live. If you’re interested in learning more about this fun and popular trend, here are the basic elements of cottagecore.

Comfy & Lived-In

For furniture, cottagecore is all about comfort mixed with a lived-in feel. Vintage or second-hand furniture is a popular choice, but only if it’s as comfy as it is attractive in the space. Elements you’ll find in cottagecore furniture include curved lines, soft upholstery and rich wood stains. Wood and metal surfaces that show their age with patina or imperfections from normal wear-and-tear are perfect for a cottagecore room.


In keeping with the theme of celebrating country life, floral patterns are key to the cottagecore aesthetic. This also includes using fresh or dried flowers as decor. Artwork depicting flowers, needlepoint throw pillows and delicate floral prints are essential. Mixing florals with the simple and comfortable furniture gives a cottagecore room a relaxed and natural vibe even with a mixture of colors and patterns.

Neutrals & Pastels

A key to creating the cottagecore aesthetic is the color palette. Mismatched furniture, prints and an emphasis on florals can combine to create chaos easily. However, the cottagecore style keeps neutral color palettes at the forefront to create a sense of harmony among the eclectic mixture. Opt for warm, neutral tones like beige, brown and woodsy green. Adding in pops of color, especially in pastels, will add vibrance and depth while keeping the foundation laid-back.

Vintage Decor

One of the basic philosophies behind the cottagecore style is the idea of collecting furnishings. This means that the more vintage decor, the better. Some of the best ways to add some vintage flair to a cottagecore room include chandeliers, fine china and decorative vases. Try hanging your favorite artwork in vintage frames with some patina to show off well-worn charm.

Is cottagecore style right for you? If you love the simplicity of the farmhouse style but want a little more detail and vintage flair, consider trying it in your space. Keep these major elements in mind and you’ll be able to make your very own version of cottagecore that works for you.

About the Author

John Hassler

Our goal is overcoming the housing challenge and getting to know one another, here is a bit about me. Providing you with professional guidance for buying and selling homes stems from an in-depth knowledge of the Twin Cities Best Homes and Neighborhoods. For us, the process is a simple one and starts with a conversation about your needs, desires and concerns. No contracts or promises up front. I ask only for the opportunity to understand your housing needs and have you become comfortable with my real estate knowledge and experience. I have lived throughout the metro area, have sold close to 1000 homes as well as built, remodeled and designed homes. My passion is assisting you in discovering that perfect home, location and setting that will bring you and your family pleasure and comfort for years to come. I would enjoy the opportunity to meet with you at your home, business or over a cup of coffee. I am readily available by email, text and enjoy a phone call as well. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, as I always enjoy a new opportunity to help someone!